August 23, I started the final semester of nursing school. August 30,2007 was my last day of my last semester of nursing school....for now. We have a math test that we must take and pass every semester in order to stay in the nursing program. Well I didn't pass my math was set up correctly but some how my answers all ended up with decimal points in them. When you take a nursing med math test that in real life would equate to med errors so our school takes this very seriously. I talked with the department head and tried to ask for an investigation into the calculator that wasnt successful either. I have to reapply to the nursing program for January. Bummer being I no longer get to graduate with the friends I have made over the last two years. One friend had to drop due to a family emergency so I am hoping and praying we at least get back into the program together. So for now I am going to be working at my LPN job full time and working on math problems left and right. Midnight shift here I come.