Sunday, February 25, 2007

30 far from flirty and surviving

Well its back to one of those times I don't know exactly what brings me to this point except for the fact that my life became very different from most of the people whom I called friend ten years ago. I rarely hear from anyone any more I know my life is busy too but I feel like I do all the calling. Its a pretty lonely world when you are thirty and dont go to the bar. Or when the activities at church are couple oriented. Any suggestions for ideas to do to help keep loneliness at bay would be appreciated.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

guiding my path

WOW!!! I recently recieved my LPN license and went about applying for jobs. I didn't apply for one job at a time I applied for four. At first I was thinking yeah right the school only told us that we could walk into a job. Well all of a sudden one day I end up with all four jobs in my lap and afraid to make the decision about which one to take. Well I sat on the bathroom floor to read the bible to look for a memory verse to put on my mirror. I flip open to Psalms and there verse jumped right off the page on to my mirror. It is Psalm 32:8 and it says:" The LORD says I will guide you along the BEST path for your life I will advise you and watch over you." God was reminding me that if I sought his counsle he would help make it clear which job I should take and once I took the job I felt he was directing me to there were some scheduling wrinkles I anticipated to have to work out and he went before me and worked them out before I had to even ask about them.

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